Hawai'i Education of the arts
HEARTS is built on 5 key principles
Diversity | Bridge-Building | Community | Character | ʻAina
Our Motto: Every Child Deserves an Arts Education
Not all of our singers come from backgrounds that allow their families to pay for extra curricular activities like HEARTS. In fact, here are 5 reasons why children should be singing together at all:
It enhances brain development
Creates resiliency
Enables world-wide travel
Provides opportunities to meet amazing people
Fosters empathy and appreciation for cultural diversity
HEARTS provides an affordable, high-quality, year-round music, dance, and theatre arts program that enhances character in young people.
"We strongly believe that a child's education
is not complete unless it includes the arts. "
Pamela DeBoard, PhD
why hearts?

Learn more about how HEARTS is making a difference