Donors with HEarts
We want to recognize and thank the generous donors of HEARTS. Now more than ever, your support matters. Any amount helps and we are so thankful to you!

Above & Beyond
City & County of Honolulu

Silver Level
Al & Janet Butcher
J. Edward & Pamela DeBoard
Chung Kun Ai Foundation
Lois Gordon In Memory of Clara André Gordon
Randall & Alice Hu
John & Raquel Livoni
Dan & Dana Miller
New Image Plastic Surgery (Dallas Homas)
Robert & Paula Ress
Joseph & Yukiko Simon
Hazel H. Takumi Foundation
Robert & Jane Terry in Honor of Pāhonu Coleman
Cheryl Wood

Friends of HEARTS >$99
Asha Aloha Foundation
Andrea Ashton
Winona Hanapi Awana
Christopher & Selena Ching
Nate Copeland
Susan Duprey
Scott & Janet Gomes
Chanell Gore
Michael Hegazy
Dennis Hida
Tom & Holly Holowach
Harrison & Gretchen Jong
Eli Keetje
Kent & Elisabeth Kitagawa
Patricia Kondo
Lisa’s Tattoos
Tina Thorpe Litsey
Marie Lum
Nikki Lum
Alainna Martinez
Henry & Elise McMahon
Dennis & Vivian Mendoza
John & Michelle Mileham
Michelle Mitsuda
Thinh & Marisa Nguyen
Jacob & Emily O’Donnell
Kayla Quinteros
Samuel Rivera
Alejandro Sapiens
Laura Schmidt
Lorraine Tanuvasa
Gertrude Tomokiyo
Yojana Tsui
Douglas & Victoria Waffen

Platinum Level
Ananda Fund Hawai‘i
Berry Educational Trust
Cindy’s Lei Shoppe (Nicholas & Karen Lee)
Foodland Give Aloha Donations
Debbie Weeks In Memory of Solomon “Hotch” Kekoa

Bronze Level
Aloha Pacific
Edmund & Benita Char
Reed & Diane Glover
John & Julia Johnson
Andrew & Wendy Lee
Terilyn Carvalho Luke
Justin & Kelly Nii
Jennifer A. Oyer
Melissa Pescatore
Piano Planet
Michael and Marti Rounds
Florence Teruya
Valley of the Temples
Western Union

Gold Level
Frances Wong

Ensemble LEvel
Jerry & Lenore Adaniya
Art Akiyama
Rick & Diane Bartosik
Corinne Bauske
Evelyn Black In Memory of Constance Black
Will Brown
Rose Cater
Joy Chinen
Micah & Joanna Chinen
Evelyn Sally Condon
Clare Connor & Alexander Ress
MaryAnn Dinic
Megan Dung
Jack Durham
Honolulu First Church of the Nazarene
Allan & Gail Fujimoto
Craig & Lindy Furusho
Adrian & Lerina Galvez
Kyle Grace
Edward & Bernice Greaney
Theresa Greaney
Sally Greenleaf
Virginia Hinshaw
Wayne & Susan Hokama
John and Jane Houk
Alii & Rasela Iiga
Mike & Drew Jernigan
Lana Jones
S. Kaneao
Eldred & Michelle Kapule
Melvia Kato
Darla Kinimaka
Haroldeen Kondo
Patricia Kondo
Alan & Lynette Kumalae
Camryn Kunioka
David & Angela Kunioka
Anthony & Karen Lee
B. & L. Lee
Jill Lee
Doug & Judy Litsey
Jerry & Jenny Lum
James & Brenda Lumeng
Sara Lumeng
Stephen Mahabir
Melanie Meinken
Jennifer Miller
Alfred & Sherry Monico
Thomas & Patricia Mollison In Memory of Raven Mollison
Clarence & Charmaine Moura
Charles & Linda Myers
Beverly Nagel
Chris & Caitlin Nguyen
Laurie Noborikawa-Soller
Mark & Julie Ono
CJ & Susan Peterson
Carla Pryor
Dana Ratay
John & Nancy Shaw
Sherry Silvers
Laurie Noborikawa Soller
Shauna Skagerberg
Harold & Cora Takara
Victoria Talbot
Tessa Travers
Rochelle Uchibori
John & Faye Waidley
Annie Cusick Wood